These days virtual reality, or VR as the general public calls it, is very popular. There are currently about 66 million VR users in the United States, according to a 2023 estimate by Zippia! Don't worry if the technology intimidates you. Everything you need to know to get started with virtual reality can be found in this article.
What is virtual reality and how is it different from a TV or computer?
Virtual Reality (VR) has revolutionized many areas of everyday life. With VR, you can tour the universe in a spaceship, see a house before you buy it, perform medical surgery, practice a sales pitch and create 3D art, all from the comfort of your own home. Or, of course, just old-fashioned gaming and watching porn on the couch!
VR simulates different environments using a headset and motion sensors and is used in a wide range of applications, from education and wellness to hobbies and entertainment in a variety of fields.
A brief history
The popularity of modern VR began in 2010, when Palmer Luckey created the first prototype of a VR headset that would evolve into the Oculus Rift. He launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in 2012 and raised $2.4 million, bringing VR into the public eye.
Two years later, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg bought the company for $2 billion
Sindsdien zijn er verschillende concurrenten verschenen, waaronder de Meta Quest modellen, Sony’s PlayStation VR en de Pico headsets.
Tevens maken duizenden ontwikkelaars VR apps, filmmakers onderzoeken de mogelijkheden voor documentaires en animaties, terwijl Facebook en YouTube 360-graden video’s maken.
Als kleine anekdote: Ik vertel altijd graag dat ik er vanaf het begin bij was en de intussen zeer primitieve Oculus Dev Kit lange tijd op mijn hoofd heb gehad 😉
What is the primary application of VR?
I don't think this can really be determined (yet). Despite the many years that VR has been around, I still consider it the early stages, the wild west of this particular technology. And given the endless possibilities of the virtual world, there may never be a definite answer either.
In 20 years, will we all be wearing small glasses, or perhaps a lens on your eyes, living 24 in a virtual world or will we still be sitting in the living room gaming and watching movies? Both are possible and I'm waiting patiently!
VR usually has these 4 characteristics:
- Credible: You feel like you are in your virtual world because of what you see and hear.
- Compelling: When you move your head, what you see also changes, just like in real life.
- Computer-generated: VR werelden worden meestal gecreerd met complexe 3D computer graphics die in real time veranderen als we bewegen.
- Interactive: Je kunt interactie hebben met verschillende objecten in de scne, of het nu gaat om het indrukken van een knop of het openen van een deur.
VR efficintie
Virtual reality doet tegenwoordig zijn intrede in kantoren en brengt zakenmensen en personeel van over de hele wereld samen in n ruimte om ideen uit te wisselen. Het kan ook worden gebruikt bij klantenservice, training van werknemers en aanwerving. We zullen zakelijk gebruikte VR steeds vaker gaan zien de komende jaren.
VR movies
Meanwhile, there are a huge number of apps to replace your local (and often expensive) movie theater. With a basic headset like the Meta Quest 2 or 3, it's great virtual movie watching! Software like the free Big Screen allow you to watch your favorite movies on a small screen or even in a giant auditorium, alone or with friends.
It's really a special experience to watch your movies that way. Especially if you have a headset with good headphones. I myself regularly watch movies this way and at times it gives me an IMAX experience. If you are a movie lover then for that experience alone it may be worth buying a VR headset!
>> Check out the site of Big Screen <<
VR gaming
Virtual Reality Gaming is the application of a three-dimensional (3D) artificial environment to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with special VR software and presented to the user in such a way as to replace the real environment.
VR spelers kunnen VR spellen spelen op smartphones, pc’s en laptops en spelconsoles. De bediening van VR games kan bestaan uit een standaard toetsenbord en muis, handcontrollers en motion capture-methoden. Complexere VR ruimtes kunnen loopvloeren of vergelijkbare methoden bevatten om het gevoel van bewegingsvrijheid en het gevoel van onderdompeling in de virtuele omgeving te vergroten. In andere VR-spelopstellingen kan de gebruiker worden beperkt tot een beperkt gebied rondom een computer, maar kan hij binnen dat gebied vrij bewegen.
VR porn
Let's not get too weird about it. Just like when the 2d Internet became big, sex movies are a huge part of the 3d VR hype. Without porn, would there be no VR? Sure there would, but the development of headsets and the reach of VR would not have happened so fast without interference from the adult industry.
VR porn studios continue to push the technology and the 8K resolution movies demand ever more powerful VR glasses!
It's a multi-billion dollar industry and it certainly won't disappear either. In fact, the number of VR porn sites keeps growing and the movies keep getting better!
Van “gewone” virtuele porno films tot interactieve sex spellen, er is genoeg te doen op dit gebied.
If you would like to check out some VR porn then definitely recommend And if you are curious about an interactive sex game you can go to Dezyred!
VR training
It's true that you can indulge in the metaverse and exercise intensely at the same time. While some common virtual reality games subtly incorporate cardiovascular activities, others are designed with the goal of improving physical fitness.
Eleven Table Tennis, for example, is a great way to get your heart rate up in a fun way. Martial arts training Les Mills Body Combat is a popular choice for people looking for a goal-oriented, focused fitness workout. There are dozens of apps in lots of sports areas to help you meet your daily exercise goals!
VR community
The social aspect of VR surprises many people who are new to it! For example, visit an app like Rec Room, one of the best social VR games in my opinion.
Besides Rec Room, there are many other games that offer a lively, dynamic experience.
Ben je in het echte leven wellicht wat terughoudend? VR kan je daarbij helpen. Mensen ontmoeten in een virtuele omgeving is een totaal andere en vaak makkelijkere ervaring. En bevalt het toch niet zo dan is een druk op de knop genoeg om de situatie te verlaten.
What are the fundamental terms and concepts?
DoF’s, Degrees of freedom of vrijheidsgraden
DoF is a measurement method used in virtual reality. Most VR headsets have three or six degrees of freedom. Your VR headset will track your movements and position in space if it has six degrees of freedom (6DoF), giving you the most accurate VR experience that appears on your screen.
FoV or Field of View
Everything is within your field of view (FOV) at all times. Your field of view is smaller when using a VR headset than in the real world. The larger the FOV of the headset, the more it mimics reality.

The field of view of some VR headsets
For example, an Oculus Rift S has only an FOV of 86 and a Pimax Artisan a whopping 128. This gives quite a different effect once the glasses are put on. So keep this in mind when looking to purchase a headset.
Motion sickness or Vertigo
VR motion sickness occurs when your brain receives conflicting signals about movement in the environment around you and your body's relationship to it. In VR, this essentially means that when you stand still and the virtual environment around you moves, you upset the balance in your brain and you start to feel nauseous.
Although nausea and dizziness are the most common symptoms of motion sickness in VR, as with other forms of simulation sickness, other symptoms include headaches, sweating, fatigue, eyestrain and a general lack of balance. This varies tremendously from device to device and user to user. Fortunately, most people do not suffer much.
Spatial audio or Geographic audio
Ruimtelijke audio houdt rekening met de relatie tussen de geluidsbron en de locatie van de gebruiker in de metaverse. Er wordt ook rekening gehouden met hoe de omgeving van de gebruiker de waarneming van geluid benvloedt.
For example, if you are in a chat with avatars and you turn toward the person who is talking the sound actually adjusts. Basically just like in real life.
More and more VR devices have this way of generating sound.
What types of VR glasses are there?
Standalone VR
For operation, standalone VR systems do not require additional hardware, such as a PC or monitor. To access the metaverse, all they need is a headset and the right software. The popular Meta Quest series are the perfect example of this.
Although you can connect them to a PC, they are completely self-contained, without any cords. For a casual VR user, this is the ideal solution. No hassle, you can walk around anywhere in the house or office and of course enjoy watching a movie in bed!
VR on the PC
Consider using a PC VR system if you want to enhance your virtual reality experiences. PC VR headsets connect to a PC that can provide better graphics.
However, these connections can sometimes be inconvenient and detract from the mobility that many people find so appealing about virtual reality. But if you want to play the best games or stay online for hours, without draining batteries, then go for PC VR system.
The wired HTC Vive has been my go-to headset for years. A great thing but what a hassle!
VR console
There are currently only a few VR alternatives available for consoles. Usually, you buy these to upgrade your existing gaming system. Like PC VR glasses, these VR headsets allow you to play many of your favorite VR games, but they also require a fixed, wired connection, which can limit your range of motion. So as a standalone device, you can't do anything with them.
Popular VR Headsets
PlayStation VR2
The Sony PlayStation VR2, the successor to the original Sony PlayStation VR, provides a very fun extension to the Playstation 5. With 4K HDR graphics, subtle headset vibration, intelligent eye tracking and haptic feedback, this headset is definitely recommended if you already own a PS5.
Pico 4
With 4K+ resolution, a 105-degree field of view, great eye tracking and spacious audio, the Pico 4 is an attractive headset. The Pico 4 Enterprise is also available for enterprises, with even more customization options but a higher price tag.
Meta Quest 3
The Meta Quest 3 is currently the most popular headset. Next to its predecessor, the Quest 2. For the price, there is simply nothing better to find right now. Of course, there are more powerful VR glasses but they are also 3 to 50 times more expensive.
So I always recommend buying a 2nd hand Meta Quest 2 or if you have a little more money to spend the Meta Quest 3 new at the store. It is worth it!
>> Read our in-depth Meta Quest 3 review here <<
HTC Vive Pro 2
HTC has always had a lot to offer in the VR headset market. While the HTC Vive Pro 2 is at the upper end of the price range, it is a tremendously powerful headset. With 5K graphics, a 120-degree field of view and advanced precise space tracking for a safer gaming experience, even in a multi-user scenario.
HP Reverb G2
The HP Reverb G2 was developed in cooperation with Valve and Microsoft and can still be put to good use. It is a fine headset that can be found especially on 2nd hand markets for a nice price. I have used glasses until recently with great pleasure! You do need a sturdy PC to run the device.
Apple Vision Pro
Apple heeft op 2 februari 2024 de Vision Pro gelanceerd, een AR/VR headset met zeer innovatieve technologie. De headset werkt alleen met handbewegingen, oogbewegingen en door Siri geactiveerde stemcommando’s en heeft geen controller meer nodig. Met 4K graphics, ruimtelijke audio en geavanceerde sensortracking is het een indrukwekkende headset, maar intussen is gebleken dat het grote publiek er niet aan wilt. Vooralsnog een niche product dus.
>> Klik hier een gratis “ruimtelijke porno” film voor de Apple pro Vision <<
As you understand by now, should you still be reading this, the virtual world is huge. Both when with the headset on, and out there. And even though VR has been around for quite a few years now, we are really only at the very beginning stages. We are still discovering, so to speak. The devices are getting smaller, faster and better, the application more extensive and the games more beautiful.
Even if VR may not be quite your thing now, don't rule it out for the future. It will continue to change at a rapid pace and eventually there will be applications that will appeal to many people!