Simply put, ChatGPT is a computer program that creates text that sounds and writes as a human would. It does this by learning the patterns and structure of a substantial corpus of text created by humans and serving as a reference. This is accomplished through the use of machine learning techniques.
ChatGPT can provide an answer that makes sense and fits into the discussion when given a clue or input.
Hierdoor kan het worden gebruikt om chatbots te maken die op een natuurlijk klinkende manier met consumenten praten. Een aanpassing van OpenAI’s GPT taalmodel heet ChatGPT.
Currently, anyone can use it for free. There is also a paid version that allows you to use more options.
When was ChatGPT created and how do I access it?
Het AI- en onderzoeksbedrijf OpenAI is de maker van ChatGPT. Op 30 november 2022 werd ChatGPT door het bedrijf aan de wereld gentroduceerd. OpenAI is ook de maker van de bekende AI kunstgenerator DALL-E.
To access ChatGPT, all you need to do is create an OpenAI account by going to
Je kunt ook de officile ChatGPT app downloaden op je iPhone of Android toestel.
ChatGPT can not only respond to questions, but also perform a wide range of other tasks. Writing essays, in-depth art descriptions, creating AI art prompts, philosophical discussions and even coding are all capabilities of ChatGPT.
The latest language model system used by OpenAI, called GPT-4, is much more sophisticated than GPT-3.5, the previous version.
GPT-4 is a multimodal model that produces text output and accepts both text and image input. Because of its multimodal nature, you can upload spreadsheets, graphs and diagrams, for example, for analysis.
In een reeks gesimuleerde benchmarktests presteert GPT-4 beter dan GPT-3.5 vanwege de toegenomen intellectuele vaardigheden. Bovendien heeft het de hoeveelheid “hallucinaties” die de chatbot genereert verminderd.
Is there a free version of ChatGPT?
Whatever you use ChatGPT for, such as writing, coding and more, it is free to use.
Users can choose to pay $20 per month for a subscription option. If you pay for a subscription model, you are guaranteed additional benefits, including faster response times, access to GPT-4, general access even when full, and plugin-based Internet access.
With the exception of Internet access and the most recent major language model (LLM) known as GPT-4, which guarantees the subscription model, the free version is still a good choice because it has almost identical technological capabilities.
Houd er rekening mee dat gratis gebruikers vaak tegen overbelaste servers aanlopen. Er is echter een manier om betrouwbare toegang te krijgen zonder te hoeven wachten. Gebruikers van ChatGPT Plus profiteren van snellere reactietijden, universele toegang, zelfs tijdens drukke uren, en prioritaire toegang tot nieuwe functies en verbeteringen, zoals GPT-4, OpenAI’s meest geavanceerde LLM op dit moment.
How does ChatGPT work?
ChatGPT is known as a large language model tool and is trained on a large amount of data from essays, textbooks, reading books, the Internet, etc. It is then taught to mimic human speech and information retrieval. It is called GPT-3.5 and replaces the less sophisticated GPT-3.
ChatGPT 3.5 is distinguished from its predecessor by its refined generative AI capabilities for human expression and interaction, which are continuously improved using a technique called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).
Voor meer echte antwoorden ontwerpen OpenAI’s menselijke AI trainers dialogen waarin ze de rol aannemen van zowel de gebruiker als een AI assistent.
Om de tool te helpen bij het aanleren van spraakpatronen, schriftelijke uitdrukking, vertaling, tekstaanvulling en aanverwante taken, krijgen trainers ook toegang tot “model-geschreven suggesties” om hen te helpen bij het samenstellen van hun antwoorden.
However, you can also use ChatGPT, as described above, with GPT-4, the most advanced model of Open AI at the moment, if you have a ChatGPT Plus membership.
Can ChatGPT ignore my commands?
ChatGPT and other AI systems have the ability to reject inappropriate requests. Despite its as yet limited understanding, the AI assistant can recognize inappropriate contributions to stop the creation of dangerous content.
These contributions contain questions that are defamatory or discriminatory, infringe on someone's rights or refer to illegal activities. In addition, the ChatGPT model can refute false premises, respond to further questions and even acknowledge mistakes if you mention them.
Multiple languages
ChatGPT has learned to conduct multilingual discussions. Languages such as Spanish English, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Korean are among the languages in which ChatGPT has been taught according to Open AI.
Zoals je zou verwachten, kan ChatGPT ook verschillende Indiase talen spreken, maar niet allemaal. Dit geldt ook voor de meeste andere conversatie-AI’s.
What kind of problems can ChatGPT cause?
Sommige mensen maken zich zorgen over de vervanging of atrofie van het menselijk intellect door AI chatbots. De chatbot kan bijvoorbeeld binnen een paar seconden een essay schrijven over elk onderwerp, met grote efficintie en nauwkeurigheid, waardoor er mogelijk geen menselijke schrijver meer nodig is.
Moreover, the chatbot can write an entire essay in a few seconds, making it easier for students to cheat or delay learning correct writing. Consequently, some schools have since blocked access.
Another concern regarding the AI chatbot is the possibility of false information spreading. The bot could share incorrect information.
OpenAI also notes that ChatGPT occasionally “plausibel klinkende maar onjuiste of onzinnige antwoorden geeft.” The bot itself states: “Mijn antwoorden zijn niet bedoeld om als feit opgevat te worden, en ik moedig mensen altijd aan om alle informatie die ze van mij of een andere bron ontvangen te verifiren.”
Recognizing context
This is one of the trickier problems in conversational AI. To help an AI bot understand the context and provide a relevant response, several elements come into play.
It involves the following steps:
- selecting the most effective algorithm for the task.
- Provide the algorithm with sufficient data to train it
- storing the entire conversation history in memory, including sources and associated costs
Voor het grootste deel heeft ChatGpt een goed begrip van context. Ik probeerde lange discussies te voeren over verschillende onderwerpen en toen ik ChatGPT vroeg om bepaalde woorden te definiren, was het in staat om de context te begrijpen en me te voorzien van de definitie van het woord in die specifieke context in plaats van me te voorzien van irrelevante informatie.
What role do plugins play in ChatGPT?
ChatGPT can connect to third-party apps using plugins, allowing it to access online real-time data.
The plugins increase ChatGPT's functionality and enable it to help with a host of additional tasks, such as making travel plans and finding restaurants.
More than seventy third-party plugins are available, including those from Zillow, Expedia, Instacart, OpenTable, Kayak, Fiscal Not, Klarna and others. Use of the plugins is currently restricted to ChatGPT Plus subscribers only.
What are the limitations of ChatGPT?
Of course, ChatGPT has some problems, such as the one below:
ChatGPT's knowledge base is one of its biggest problems: It has access to vast amounts of data and is trained to be an encyclopedia of information, but free users will be limited to information from before 20212
It makes mistakes: Many users have also pointed out errors or sound gibberish in replies that were sent in words that sounded logical. At this point in its growth, ChatGPT depends on people reading the information and making sure it is correct.
Argument structure that follows a pattern: Many professors and teachers are apprehensive about using ChatGPT, and that is worrisome. After playing with ChatGPT for a while, it is easy to see that it follows a pattern when dealing with longer topics: an argument, then a counterargument, and finally a brief summary of both sides. This should make it easy for teachers to recognize ChatGPT in essays and other long pieces, but it also limits the level of complexity of the writing. However, this way of writing seems to be much better with the latest version GPT-4.
Language: Als je ChatGPT te lang gebruikt, begint het als een persoon te klinken – een breedsprakige, zelfbenoemde expert die houdt van declaratieve zinnen en steeds maar weer “samengevat” zegt.
Spreading fake news: OpenAI tries to fill in the gaps in its knowledge base, but the tool has made mistakes in the past and has been shown to present false information as true. This means it could spread fake news and confusing information.
Efficintie en precisie
In terms of performance, ChatGPT outperforms a human writer. In terms of speed, the program takes 30 to 60 seconds to create a 500-word response Moreover, you can use ChatGPT as often as you want because its resources never run out.
Maar prestaties en snelheid zijn n ding; nauwkeurigheid is iets heel anders.
In terms of accuracy, ChatGPT excels on familiar and thoroughly researched topics. But ChatGPT does have problems if you add even a little nuance to the subject matter.
Based on my observations, ChatGPT has the ability to generate absurd responses and do so convincingly. This is challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the subject. Therefore, ChatGPT is far from being a finished product and requires human control.
Is there a ChatGPT detector available?
Demand for a ChatGPT text detector is growing as concerns about students using ChatGPT to cheat increase.
Het AI-onderzoeksbureau OpenAI, dat ChatGPT heeft gemaakt, heeft in januari 2023 een gratis tool aangeboden om dit probleem aan te pakken. Slechts 26% van het AI-geschreven materiaal kon nauwkeurig worden gedentificeerd door OpenAI’s “classifier” tool met een “waarschijnlijk AI-geschreven” categorisering. Bovendien gaf het in 9% van de gevallen fout-positieve resultaten, waarbij werk dat door mensen was geschreven ten onrechte werd geclassificeerd als werk dat door AI was gemaakt.
Zes maanden na de lancering sloot OpenAI de tool “vanwege de lage mate van nauwkeurigheid” omdat het zo slecht werkte, aldus het bedrijf. Het bedrijf stelt dat ze op zoek zijn naar efficintere methoden voor AI-tekstherkenning.
There are also other AI detectors on the market, such as the Content at Scale AI Content Detection tool, Writer AI Content Detector and GPT-2 Output Detector. These tools also do not seem to be very reliable at this time.
Will the chats I have with ChatGPT be used for training purposes?
Je bent misschien nieuwsgierig of de chats die je hebt terwijl je ChatGPT leert kennen wel of niet gebruikt zullen worden voor training, en ook wie ze kan zien. Tenzij je een Plus-abonnement hebt, kan OpenAI je interacties observeren en ze gebruiken als trainingsgegevens om zijn algoritmen te verbeteren. Daarom adviseer we je om geen priv of gevoelige informatie in te voeren in de chatbox.
Moreover, the questions you answer while using ChatGPT are saved on your account forever until you delete them. To keep an eye on abuse, OpenAI keeps track of all chats if you disable your chat history for 30 days before deleting them completely.
Custom instructions: what are they?
You can use custom instructions to further customize ChatGPT within your account. This feature provides context for any discussion the AI chatbot has with you, allowing it to respond in a way that best suits your preferences.
You can customize the custom instructions on your account to indicate that you want ChatGPT to respond to your prompts with a specific level of literary skill or expertise. You can add custom instructions to make ChatGPT always respond as if it were talking to a 12-year-old, for example, if you let your 12-year-old use it at home. This ensures that simple, child-friendly language is used.
ChatGPT-4 for an application
ChatGPT is an excellent tool for help with job applications. You can ease the burden of a difficult and challenging job search by using ChatGPT. ChatGPT can prepare a cover letter and even develop your resume.
You can use ChatGPT to help you write any essays or personal statements needed for your application if they are written supplements to your cover letter.
Are there any ChatGPT replacements worth considering?
Although ChatGPT is now the most talked about chatbot, there are other equally fantastic choices that may be more suitable for your purposes.
Despite ChatGPT's considerable strengths, there are some fundamental drawbacks to the AI chatbot. If you want to give the world of AI chatbots and text generators a chance, there are many more opportunities to explore. For example, Bing Chat, Jasper, YouChat and WriteSonic.
How do ChatGPT, Bing Chat and Google Bard compare?
Bing Chat
Vergeleken met de normale, gratis versie van ChatGPT is Bing Chat krachtiger en efficinter omdat het gebruik maakt van OpenAI’s meest geavanceerde LLM, GPT-4.
Internetconnectiviteit is een ander voordeel dat Bing Chat biedt ten opzichte van ChatGPT. Terwijl de gratis versie van ChatGPT beperkt is tot kennis van vr 2021, biedt internettoegang Bing Chat kennis over actuele feiten.
Unlike the free version of ChatGPT, Bing Chat uses footnotes to link back to the websites where the material comes from.
Google Bard
De geavanceerde functies van ChatGPT overtreffen die van Google Bard’s. Google Bard levert niet altijd resultaten op zoals de gratis versie van ChatGPT, ook al heeft Google Bard internetconnectiviteit en deze versie van ChatGPT niet.
Google Bard currently has more problems with relatively easy queries than ChatGPT.
Kort na de lancering van Bard noemde Google CEO Sundar Pichai het zelfs “een opgevoerde Civic” in vergelijking met andere chatbots op de markt, zoals ChatGPT en Bing Chat.
It will be clear to most people by now that ChatGPT is currently the most popular AI chat software. This is due to a combination of accessibility, new updates and simply the generative power it possesses.
As with the many other AI tools of the moment, we are very curious to see what the future holds and whether ChatGPT will be knocked off the throne by one of its many competitors in the future.
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